Throughout the years TECHNOD has become increasingly committed to expanding its technical publication development core business with additional services aimed at satisfying the more varied requirements of our clients.

Always technically oriented, these additional services are proof of how TECHNOD has the flexibility, experience, technical capabilities and know-how to be a straightforward resolutive partner focused on the specific requirements of its clients.

Risk Analysis

After working for several years with Risk Analysis, TECHNOD personnel have gained the necessary experience to conceptually assess the risks by identifying the risk profile at strategic and organizational levels. Possible threats to the organization are defined and isolated, identifying intervention modes and timeframes for the more critical macro areas or risk circumstances.

TECHNOD can evaluate the risks in different ways, depending on purpose, completeness and usage. They all follow the same logical steps, the three major steps being:


Danger identification and assessment

All potential dangers related to the activity being analyzed are systematically identified with the related risk factors (checklists, history of accidents/failures, similar occurrences, etc., are mainly used during this phase).

Risk evaluation

The risk for each identified danger is assessed.

During this phase a judgement is given on whether the risk is acceptable or not.


Prioritizing the corrective actions

The dangers are ordered by decreasing risk value; if a risk level is deemed unacceptable, adequate corrective actions will be identified.