Our technical writers/instructors have decades of experience in preparing and teaching tailor made training courses. Mainly addressed to operators and field engineers/workshop personnel, these courses instruct on how to use, maintain and service vehicles and mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and electronic systems. Specific alternative courses can, however, be prepared in compliance with the client’s requirements.

The courses as defined by TECHNOD personnel are carefully planned in each detail. In addition to devising a complete course schedule, the instructor prepares and distributes the actual didactic material and organizes the logistics for a hand-on training experience. Upon completion of the course, the student will take written and practical tests to ensure that the subject is entirely and correctly understood and learned.

TECHNOD instructors are qualified to teach courses at all levels and in the required languages.

Training methods

Whether addressed to operators or to field engineers/workshop personnel, the courses can be tailored to satisfy the client’s requirements and can be taught in any of the following methods:

  • Traditional classroom teaching;
  • WBT (Web Based Training) and CBT (Computer Based Training) e-learning and therefore with multimedia support. Highly interactive and versatile, WBT and CBT are the more up-to-date and can be used in the more diverse circumstances. Capable of integrating resources developed using different technologies (2D & 3D animation, videos, text and photos) these two training methods represent the more recent developments in the training sector; preparation of Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM) in HTML, SGML or XML formats based on Document Type Definition, CALS or on other defined standards;
  • Blended training, being a combination of traditional classroom teaching and WBT/CBT.
All the above three training methods have a common prerequisite that helps to ensure the correct monitoring of the student’s learning curve and successful course outcome: an entry test to certify the beginning instruction level of the student and a final end-course test to certify that the subject was correctly learned.
Product training by held by TECHNOD instructors using educational material provided and developed by the technical writing, DTP, graphic design and translation services offered by TECHNOD is a consolidated step towards and all-round 360° training solution.